If you are suffering from excess weight, you have probably asked a question "How can I lose weight with help of weight loss pills, and what pills are the most effective?"
The most effective weight loss practices include changing your diet ration and increase in physical activity. But on initial stages of weight loss diet pills can give you necessary push and speed up your weight loss substantially.
In this article I will tell you which weight loss pills are the most effective as a means of quick and healthy weight loss.
Among the enormous variety of different weight loss pills brands there are several basic types that differs by the way they affect our body.
Appetite suppressants
This is the most widespread means of weight loss. Appetite suppressants emerged since 1950s of the last century.
As a rule, the components in appetite suppressants restrain activity of sections in our brain, responsible for the rise of appetite. Appetite suppressants are quite effective as a method of struggle against excess weight, and they helped lose weight to many people during decades.
But the majority of appetite suppressants are prescription based anorectics that are prescribed by doctor. They also contain chemical components, and you can face side effects while using them. The most known brands are PhentermineMeridia. Among the natural appetite suppressants Hoodia Gordonii became famous, but you should better avoid buying it, as you can get a fraud and see no appetite suppressant effect at all.
You will see the effect from taking appetite suppressants if combining them with physical activity and obeying proper diet.
Fat burners
Well, the most popular group of weight loss pills. Fat burners doesn't actually burn your fat, rather they contribute to the launch of special processes responsible for fat splitting in your body. This is usually achieved by thermogenesis and lypolisis.
Some fat burners are truly effective, and help you reach your weight loss faster than usually, but the effect of fat burners action is short-lived, so taking fat burners for long-term weight loss is not necessary, because over time their effect weakens.
Besides, there is a danger that fat burners utilize potentially dangerous components that lead to serious damages to your nervous system, heart rate and blood pressure.
Once popular ephedra and ma-huand found in fat burners, were eventually banned by FDA after several lethal outcomes connected to their usage.
Fat blockers
Nowadays fat blockers are considered as the most neutral pills with efficacy approved by serious clinical studies as well as many weight loss success stories.
The components in fat blockers prevent the lipase action, which is responsible for fats assimilation by your body. So, part of fats from the meals you've eaten passes through your body indigested, and is lead out naturally.
You can eat fatty food and don't be afraid of gaining weight, as the part of fats is blocked by fat blockers. More, fat blockers do not affect your nervous system, and medical professionals advise using fat blockers for long term and substantial weight loss.
The most known chemically based fat blockers are Xenical and its over-the-counter analog Alli. Due to unnatural origin, these weight loss pills have side effects, such as loose stool and oily leakage on your underwear.
The most known and popular natural fat blocker is Proactolwhich binds fats into vicious solution and therefore having no side effects. It is recommended by the leading fitness and weight loss professionals. More to say, many overweight people used Proactol for long-term weight loss and noticed remarkable results.
I hope the information provided will help you to orient yourself in the weight loss pills types, and to make right decision. Most effective weight loss pills are the pills that will help you to support your efforts without affecting your health.
Appetite suppressants and fat burners can be a good solution for short term weight loss, if you want to get rid of just several pounds prior to a holidays or some important event. Just make sure they don't contain any harmful components.
Fat blockers are a great solution if you are interested in long term weight loss and you need more serious yet safe support to your weight loss efforts.
Anyway, weight loss pills are just one of the elements of successful weight loss, and your own efforts are the guarantee of fast and long-term success.
Anthony Voronoff is an expert making reviews and comparisons of proven natural weight loss pills from reputable brands. If you want to discover top natural weight loss pills proven for efficacy and positively rated by customers, visit Best weight loss pills now.